Saturday, December 29, 2012

Thankfulness Journal #9

I've decided to speed this up just a bit so that I'm finished with the countdown on New Year's Eve. That's why there are 30 today instead of 20. Days 281-311 cover October 7th through November 6th.

Day 281- Diana Reed (A long-time member at Otter Creek. She and her husband established the Wayne Reed Center, that houses an early childhood intervention program for underprivileged kids and their families, several years ago. For the last 20 years, she has faithfully taken care of her husband, Wayne, who's battled ALS. She suffered a stroke unexpectedly after a routine pain management treatment that was tainted with fungal meningitis and passed away. Her funeral was today. Such a huge loss to so many people.)
Day 282- Milo and his bottle caps
Day 283- Vickie Foltz (Even though I never met her, what she brought to MNC is invaluable.)
Day 284- Curbside brush pick-up
Day 285- Hearing how much Reagan's teachers enjoy having her in class
Day 286- Titanic (the movie)
Day 287- A new, quiet pool pump
Day 288- No rain on my trip to SC
Day 289- Dr. Johnson (Jeannie's doctor, who took away her nausea)
Day 290- My MIL's guest room
Day 291- Strawberry tea from Ice Creams & Coffee Beans
Day 292- The Walking Dead marathon with Jeannie
Day 293- Reagan made her first airplane ride all alone, and she did GREAT!
Day 294- Survived my 20th high school reunion
Day 295- Beautiful fall drive back home through the mountains and God's paintbrush
Day 296- Paint! (Tim painted the kitchen, living room, hall and foyer while I was away.)
Day 297- Modern technology! I watched a giraffe in SC give birth via webcam. AWESOME!
Day 298- David England, filling in as worship minister
Day 299- Reagan's not afraid to develop her own sense of style
Day 300- A whole weekend alone with Tim
Day 301- Memory foam pillows
Day 302- Seeing Reagan's reaction when I told her that her dad had finally caved on the dog issue, and we were going to pick out our new puppy!
Day 303- The fact that my flight isn't being cancelled because of Hurricane Sandy. Many choruses and quartets may not be able to get to Denver to compete.
Day 304- The opportunity to "crown" the new Harmony Classic winners by giving them their medals, and remembering our achievement winning this award last year
Day 305- Trick-or treating with the McKnights (even if I couldn't be with them this year. I look forward to it every year!)
Day 306- Winning the Harmony Achievement medal and singing with the 12th best chorus in the world!
Day 307- Women like Ann Gooch, that have done so much to bring Sweet Adelines to women all over the world
Day 308- The opportunity to watch the 10 best choruses in the world compete LIVE
Day 309- A great week in Denver with my wonderful chorus and fabulous weather
Day 310- Peace and solitude, after several days surrounded by lots of people
Day 311- The women that fought for the rights of women everywhere in the 19th and 20th century, and allowed me the opportunity to vote today

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