Depressing, huh? Well, fear not! I've been working on a list of improvements that I'd like to make in 2012. I have a pretty lengthy list, so I hope I'm not setting myself up for failure by giving myself too many goals to achieve. A friend recommended a book to me a couple of months ago on Facebook when I was bemoaning the fast-paced life I felt myself in. Last night, I finally bought a digital copy for my iPad, and I'm anxious to find out whether it will help my cause. It's called "The Happiness Project". It chronicles the author's year-long quest to be a happier person. Not necessarily trying to find things to make her happy, but finding ways to appreciate the life she already has. To stop taking things and people for granted. I certainly feel that I could learn more about how to be satisfied and more content with the life God has granted me. I'm only a couple of chapters in, so I can't give a great review yet. However, I'm already feeling a connection to the author, Gretchen Rubin. I am disappointed that, when consulting "spiritual advisers", God wasn't on her list (though some Christian philosophers were), and she seems to be all about TAKING control of her life rather than GIVING it to God. I can tell there are benefits for me to gain by reading this book, though. I can add my own spiritual goals to help me attain a happier life. Since one of my goals is to write more, I'll hopefully give an update sharing what I learn.
I've been thinking about this for a couple of weeks, and this morning, I made my list of goals for the coming year (I LOVE making lists). I noticed there was a lot of "more" and "better". My hens and I use the phrase "A lotta mo betta" to show our approval of just about anything. I'm not sure who started it. Anywho, that's what I thought when I started reviewing my list. So no, the title of my post isn't in Latin, it's in Hen. Here's the list I came up with:
Pray and Read Scripture More: I decided to lump my first two goals together. I had two habits a couple of years ago that, I'm sorry to say, have fallen by the wayside. I'd like to pick them back up. First, I used to pray in the shower. It was my "prayer closet" in a sense. I take ridiculously long showers, so I had plenty of time to make it through my list of family and friends and have a pretty good daily conversation with God. Now, it's all I can do to say "hi" to Him about once a week. I'm ashamed of myself. I've almost given up telling people that I'm praying for them, because it's a flat out lie. I also had a habit of keeping my bible in the car with me and reading it Monday through Friday while I waited in the car rider line at my kids' school. I just don't see myself being one of those people that gets up early every morning to study and have my "quiet time" with God. This was one way I could get in some time with the scriptures. Lately, I seem to spend that time on my iPhone, checking my email and Facebook, or playing Words With Friends (darn you, technology). My lack of spiritual discipline is simply inexcusable.
Appreciate Tim/Marriage More: I don't know if this is true for you, but for Tim and I, 2011 has been an awful year for marriage. It seems every month has brought more news from both family and friends of another marriage that is collapsing. It has become frighteningly obvious to me that I'm taking my own marriage for granted. The way I'm doing this is mainly by failing to appreciate my husband. I want, no, NEED to tell Tim daily what an awesome man, husband and father he is instead of nagging him over things I feel he can improve on. I can't just assume that he's going to love me for the rest of my life without giving him reason to. Our marriage has to be a priority, or we could very well end up in the predicament that so many of our friends have found themselves in.
Be A Better Advocate For Pierce's Education: Pierce has been in Life Skills classes for a year and a half now. Many people have asked how that's going, what he's learning in there. I'm embarrassed to say that I honestly don't know. In another year and a half, he will be in high school. I've become complacent when it comes to Pierce's education. He's getting good grades and seems to be happy, so I've just trusted that things are going well. I've received invitations from teachers to come observe his classes, but I haven't taken them up on the offer. I need to know more about Pierce's school life and start planning for high school and beyond. It's just such a daunting, overwhelming task, that I keep putting it off. I can't ignore it anymore.
Have A Better Relationship With Reagan: Reagan will be 11 in just a few weeks. A preteen; YIKES. I must confess that my relationship with my parents during my teen years was not the best it could've been. I've desperately hoped that Reagan and I will navigate those waters better. I'm at an advantage, because her temperament is not exactly like mine was as a teen. She's been a pretty laid back, happy child. But, I can see that her personality is beginning to change with the oncoming hormones, and she is becoming a little more like me. Just like my relationship with Tim, I tend to nag and be critical of my daughter WAY more than I should. It's a very sad fact that I don't have a lot of time left with her here at home. I need to make this a more positive environment for her.
Be A Better Daughter, Sister and Friend: I don't have room to list every relationship I'd like to work on, so I think this pretty much covers it. After the death of a couple of friends this year, I've begun to realize just how precious the people closest to me really are.
Move More, Eat Less/Better: This is pretty self explanatory, really. I'm not going to give myself ridiculous goals like workout 20 minutes everyday, or go on a diet. However, I HAVE to do more than I'm doing now, which is nothing. I used to walk 3 or 4 times a week, and it's the only exercise I've ever really enjoyed. I need to get back in the habit. Also, I could use some portion control at dinner time. I could also change my bedtime snack routine. I don't know that I have the willpower to cut it out entirely, but I can at least find a healthier alternative than the sweet snack I crave every night.
Control Clutter Better: This is getting a little easier with a housekeeper coming in once a week. There are areas, though, that she doesn't touch that I'm going to have to tackle myself. One of these is my email inbox, and I've already begun working on it. It occurred to me this week that I get 25 to 30 emails every morning that I don't even read before deleting. These are mostly newsletters that I've signed up for over the past year in my quest for coupons. Over the last 3 days, I have unsubscribed myself from over 30! I also plan to go to digital magazine subscriptions. I have a stack of magazines that I haven't read that are just taking up space. With all the time I spend online and with my iPad, I have a much better chance of reading them digitally and pinning all the interesting recipes and gardening ideas on Pinterest.
Finish What We Start: My husband and I have a very bad habit. We love to start things, but have trouble finishing them. I don't know how to change this about ourselves, but I'd like to try and figure out a way.
Coupon More: I started out 2011 strong with my efforts to save money by couponing. During the summer, it became difficult to shop and keep up with coupons with the kids in tow. Eventually, I became kind of burned out. I'd like to get back into it, though. Ironically, one goal I have is to stop buying so many Groupons! I can't tell you how much money I've lost this year by buying a deal, forgetting about it, then having it expire on me. I at least need to make more of an effort to use them as soon as I buy them.
Learn About Our Finances: This is a goal that's long overdue. Tim and I certainly aren't getting any younger. If the unthinkable were to happen, and I was left to raise the kids alone, I'd have no idea where to find anything. That's a truly terrifying thought!
Work Harder To Maintain a Decent Yard: Boy, have I let our place go this year. I worked so hard on so many gardens around the house, and now it looks like I'll have to start over. I'm a person that is very easily overwhelmed when faced with a task. When I look at our 4 acres, I feel hopeless. Even my biggest efforts feel like a mere drop in the bucket. I have to shake myself free of this mentality and at least try to keep this place from looking so white-trash.
Read More: No explanation necessary. I just want to be a more well-read person and at least feel a little more intelligent.
Blog More: I feel bad that I haven't written much this year. I really enjoy it, and I feel a sense of pride once I'm done. It feels great to accomplish something other than sitting on the couch watching Netflix all day.
So, there you have it. It does seem a little ambitious, doesn't it? I can think of a couple more things to add, but they fall under the umbrella of goals I've already listed, so I'm just going to let this list stand. Feel free to ask me how things are going; maybe it'll help keep me accountable. Good luck with your own resolutions and have a happy and blessed 2012!